Subject ZOOLOGY PPSC test MCQs 2019 With Full Book Download in PDF

Subject ZOOLOGY PPSC test MCQs 2019 With Full Book Download in PDF


 1. The unit of life is:

(a) Sub-atoms (b)   Atom
(c)   Cell            (d)   Tissue

2. Which Pakistani tissue was discussed  in the Summit of NAM 1998?

(A) Poverty (B)  Unemployment
(C) Corruption (D)  Kashmir problem

3. A structure formed by groups of similar cells, organized into loose sheets or bundles performing similar functions is called as:

(a) An organ      (b)   An organism
(c)   A Tissue      (d)   A Cell

4. Skeletal muscle fibre Is
(a) Multinucleated (b)    uninucleated
(c)   binudeated         (d)   enucleated

5. Characteristic of simple epithelium Is that they

(a)   are arranged indiscriminately
(b) continue  to  di e  and  help  in  organ function
(c) Make a definite layer
(d) None of above

6. The number species of organisms currently known to science is

(a)   3500,000             (b)    3,500
(c)   2,500,000                 (d)  2,500,000

7.  In Unneaus binomial nomenclature system the first name refers to the genus and is called:

(a) Generic name     (b)    Species name
(c)  common name      (d)   Family name

8. A   group of   natural populations that can interbreed freely among themselves and produces fertile offspring is:

(a) Family (b)   Species
(c)   Class (d)  Kingdom

9. Ammonia is the chief nitrogen waste in
(a) Cartilaginous fishes
(b) Bony fishes
(c) Semi aquatic reptiles
(d) None of these

10. A structure normally composed of several tissue types that form a functional.unit is called:

(a) Cell         (b)   Organelle
(c)   Tissue (d)   Organ

11. Flame cells are excretory organs of
(a) Prawn (b)    Tape worm
(c)   Insects (d)   Birds

12. Oz accounts for %of totals human body mass:

(a)   65%         (b)   18%
 (c)   10% (d)   03%

13. In urecotellc animals,urea are removed by
(a)  kreb’s cycle      (b)   cori cycle
(c)   Ornithine cycle    (d)   cori cycle

14. Which of the folloWing category is most general, with  its  members  least  resembling  with  each other than the other categories?

(a)   Species (b)   Genus
(c)   Family (d)   Order

15. Robert Whittaker  placed the organisms that live mostly by ingesting food and dlgestlng It within In special cavitiesIn:

(a) Monera (b)   Protista
(c)   Plantae (d)   Anlrnalia

16. Five kingdom classlflcatlon was proposed by:

(a) Carious Unnaeus         (b)    E- Chalton
(c)   Robert Whlttaker         (d) Kartene Shwartz

17. Which of the following Is a physical basis of life?

(a)   Nucleus         (b)   Ribosome
(c)   Protoplasm (d)   Mitochondria

18. The basic unit of classification Is:

(a)   Species (b)   Genus
(c)   Phylum (d)   Kingdom

19. The  atoms  of  different  elements  combine  with each other through Ionic or covalent bonding to produce compounds,this stable from is called:

(a)   An organ     (b)   A molecule
(c)   Tissue     (d)    Both a and c

20. The  branch  of  biology  that  deals  with·the structure   of   organisms.   the   cell;  and   their organelles at molecular levels is:

(a) Cell Biology (b)   Molecular Biology
(c)   Microbiology (d)  Biotechnology

21.Which South African Player recently announced retirement?

(A) Faf duPlessis (B)  imran Tahir
(C) Hashim Amla (D) AB DeVilllers

22. Guano refers to
(a) Ureotetiic flightless bird
(b)    Blrd droppings rich in guanrne
(c) Extinct species of b1rd
(d)   Uric acid
23. Groups of similar cells organized Into loose sheets of bundles that perform similar functions are called:
(a) Organs (b)   Cells
(c)   System (d)   Tissues
24. The branch of biology in which structure,mode of transmission,  life histories  and host-parasite relationships are studied is termed:
(a) Microbiology       (b)   Parasitoogy
(c)   Biotechnology       (d)   Social Biology
25. Members of one species inhabiting the same area make a:
(a) Population (b)   Biome
(c)   Community (d)   Group
26. The community together with its non-living surroundings Is an:
(a) Population (b)   ecosystem
(c)   Community (d)   Biosphere
27. Most common atoms found in biological molecules is (are):
(a) Hydrogen (b)  Carbon
(c)   Oxygen         (d)   All of these
28. Histamine secreting cells are found in
(a) Nervous tissue   (b)   Connective tissues
(c)   lungs           (d)  Muscular tissue
29. lamina propria is connected with
(a) Acini                (b)   UVir
(c)   Graffian follicle     (d)    Intestine
30. The following is the ammoootelic animal
(a) Whales (b)    Seals
(c)   Lizard  (d) Salamander
31. Basement membrane is made up of
(a) No cell product of epithelial cell
(b)   Epidermal cell only
(c) endodermal cell
(d) Both b and c
32. The excretory organs of annelids
(a) Nephridia          (b)    Flame cells
(c)   Malpighlan celts      (d)  Green glands
33. Stool of a person is whitish grey coloured due to malfunction of the following organ?
(a) Pancreas    (b)   Spleen
(c)    Kidney            (d)    Uver
34. If pancreas is removed, the compound which remain undigested is
(a) Proteins (b)   Carbohydrates
(c)   Fats         (d)  all of these
35. Most of the fat digestion occurs In
(a) Rectum          (b)   Stomach
(c)   Duodenum (d)  Smalllntestine
36. Where Is protein digestion accomplished?
(a) Stomach     (b)   Ileum
(c)   Rectum (d)    Duodenum
37. Release of pancreatic juice Is stimulated by
(a) Enterokinase (b)   Secretin
(c)   Trypsinogen (d)   Cholecystokinin
38. What is common among amylase, rennin and trypstn?
(a) These are produced in stomach
(b)   These demonstration at a pH lower than 7
(c) These all are proteins
(d) These all are proteolytic enzymes
39. Which of the following Is correct pairing of site of action and substrate of rennin?
(a)    mouth-starch
(b) stomach-fat
(c) stomach -casein
(d)   small intestine-casein
40. The matrix of blood is known as
(a) Plasma               (b)   Serum
(c)    RBC and WBC    (d)   WBC and platelets
41. The percentage of formed elements in the blood is
(a)  45%           (b)  50%
(c)   55%                 (d)   65%
42. The life span of RBC
(a)   100days     (b)    110days
(c)   120days     (d)    130 days
43. The ratio of WBC and RBC is
(a)   1:60          (b)   1:600
(c)   1:6000  (d)    1:60000
44. During  blood  coagulation,  thromboplastin  is released by
(a) RBC
(b) blood plasma
(c) leucocytes
(d)   clumped platelets and damaged tissues
45. The life span of WBC is approximately
(a) less than 10 days
(b)    Between 20-30 days
(c)    Between 2-3 months
(d)    More than three months
46. Duodenum has characteristic Brunner’s gland which secrete two hormones called
(a) kinase, estrogen
(b) secretin, chelecystoklnln
(c) prolactin,parathrormone
(d) estradiol, progesterone
47. Epithelial cells  of  the intestine Involved in food lion have on their surface
(a)   pinocytic vesicles
(b) Zymogen·granules
(c) phagocytic vesicles
(d) microviiH
48. The normal level of Hb per  100 ml of blood in women is
(a) 14g      (b)   18 g
(c)  20g      (d)  10g
49. Blood circulation was first explained by
(a) Jenner (b)    William Harvey
(c)   Mendel       (d)    Ibn e Nafees
50. In Cockroach, excretion is performed by
(a) Renette cells (b)  Flame cells
(c)   Nephridia           (d)   Malpighian tubules

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