Test PPSC 2019 Subject BOTANY With Full Book Download in PDF

Test PPSC 2019 Subject BOTANY With Full Book Download in PDF


1.  Of what is Botany the study?
(a)  Plants (b)   Rocks
(c)  Animals (d)  Stars

2.  X ray, is invented by: .

(A)  Roentgen (B) Stephen Hawking
(C) Fleming (D) Pasture

3.  The   culbvation   of   plants   for   food   and   for decoration is called
(a)   Horticulture (b)   Agriculture
(c)   Sericulture (d)   None of these
4.  The scientific study of plants Is called
(a)      Botany (b)   Zoology
(c)      Eoology (d)  None of these
5.  Name the polson which Is present in the seeds of apple
(a)   cyanogenic glycosldes
(b)   Caladium
(c)   Avocado
(d)   Asparagus
6.  Nitrogen been discovered by Daniel Rutherford In_,who called it noxious air or fixed air
(a)   1771 (b)    1772
(c)   1773 (d)   1774
7.  There  are how many species of plants im the wor1d?
(a)   150,000    (b)   200.000
(c)   350,000 (d)   250,000
8.  In 1665, using an ear1y microscope, who drscovered cells in cork?
(a)   Gregor Mendel
(b)   Robert Hooke
(c)   Barbara McClintock
(d)   None of these
9.  Who  discovered  ‘lumping  genes’  by  studying maize?
(a)   Barbara McClintock
(b)   Robert Hooke
(c)   Gregor Mendel
(d)   None of these
10.  The Llnnaean syatem was Introduced by
(a)   Barbara McClintock
(b)   Robert Hooke
(c)   Gregor Mendel
(d)   Cart Unnaeus

11. How  many  Pakistanis are  the member  of British Paril ament?

(A) 10 Members     (B)  12 Members
(C)  9 Members (D)  13 Members

12.  Which   Swedish  scientist  established  binomial nomenclature?
(a)   Carolus Unnaeus
(b)   Barbara McClintock
(c)   Robert Hooke
(d)   Gregor Mendel
13.  Angiosperms whose life cycles are more than two years are known as _
(a)   Biennial     (b)   Perennial
(c)   Annual       (d)   None of these
14.  Which    Swedish    botanist   invented   binomial nomenclature?
(a)   Lappan, Gjord
(b)   LaSalle, Barbro
(c)   Unnaeus, Carolus
(d)   Leopold, Nathan

15.   Range of  Newly  Tested  Missile Ababeel IS ?

(A) 2100 kms (B)    2400  kms
(C) 2200 kms (D)    2400  kms

16.  What is Celluloses?
(a)   Fats (b)   Carbohydrates
(c)   Vitamins (d)   Protein
17.  The most important foods are derived from
(a)   Leaves (b)  Stem
(c)   Fruits        (d)  Roots
18.   Which of the following is found in plant cells, but not animal cells?
(a)   Cell wall (b)  vacuole
(c)   Mitochondria (d)   Reticulum
19.  A  large  number  of  ldenUoal  plants  oan  be obtained In a short span of Ume through –
(a)    Tissue culture technique
(b)    hydroponics method
(c)    Stem cuttings
(d)    Large number of seeds of a single plant
20.  Which of the following fooctltemsls rich in Iron?
(a)      Apple (b)   Rice
(c)     Orange       (d)   Pulses

21.  How to open the file in Microsoft word?

(A) Ctrl+ 0 (B) Ctrl + D
(C) Ctrl + U (D) None of these

22.  Essential constituent of plant cell is which type of carbohydrate?
(a)   Sucrose (b)    Starch
(c)   Ugnin        (d)  Cellulose
23.  Quinine Is a resource.
(a)   Mineral (b)   Agricultural
(c)   Forest       (d)   None of these
24.  Which one Is the rootless plant?
(a)   Pistla (b)  Monochoria
(c)   Eichhomla  (d)   Ceratophyllum
25.  Sandalwood tree Is considered a:
(a)   Partial root parasite
(b)   Stem parasite
(c)   Total stem parasite
(d)   Total root parasite
26.  Development of fruit without fertilization is
(a)   Parthenogenesis     (b)   Apomixes
(c)   Parthenocarpy (d)   Fertilization
27.  In plants water is absorted by the root hairs by a process called.
(a)   Respiration       (b)   Transpiration
(c)   Osmosis (d)   Perspiration
28.  Cell wall of chloroplast Is  removed, the remaining Iscalled
(a)   Etloplast           (b)  Aleuroplast
(o)   Amylopaat (d)    Protoplat
29.  Which tissue Is responsible  for the passage of water In planta?
(a)   Sclerenchyma (b)   Xylem
(c)   Phloem (d)    None of these
30.  Which  of  the  following   teeds   can  benefit  a patient of  diabetes  mellitus  by normalizing his
blood sugar level?
(a)   Coriander seeds        (b)   Mustard seeds
(o)   Fenugreek seed        (d)   Cumin seeds
31.  SO.  Potato is a modified form of
 (a)   Root (b)   Stem
(c)   Fruit (d)   Leaf
32.  Which of the following is a parasitic plant?
(a)   Marcflantia         (b)    Kelp·
(c)   Mushroom (d)  Pteris
33.  Which of the following is a carmvorous plant?
(a)   Urn plant (b)   Pitchet: plant
(c)   Cacti (d)   Ribbon plant
34.  When we eat cauliflower we consume
(a)   Leaf (b)   Stem
(c)   Flower (d)   Inflorescence
35.  When both sexes are absent from a ftower or are non-funcllonal ,the flower is said to
(a)   Incomplete (b)   lntecsexual
(c)   Neuter             (d)    Unisexual
36.  The smallest ftowering plant is
(a)    Amarphophallus
(b)   Azadaachtandica
(c)   Ereclalndica
(d)   WoltfaArrtliza
37.  Plants that grow in saline water are called
(a)   Halophytes (b)    hydroohytes
(c)   mesophytes (d)   xerophytes
38.  Plants synthesize protein from
(a)   Starch (b)   sugar
(c)   Amino acids (d)   fatty acids
39.  Plants receive their nutrients mainly from
(a)   chlorophyll (b)   atmosphere
(c)   light                (d)   soil
40.  P1ants absorb most of the water needed by them through their
(a)    Embryonic zone
(b)    Grow1ng point
(c)    Root hairs
(d)    Zone of elongation
41.  Our   Skin  becomes   darl(,   when   exposed   to excess  sunlight.  This  Is  because  of  our  skin pigment cafted
(a)    Ftavoxanthm        (b)    Melanin
(c)   Carotene (d) Xanthopny II
42.  The  wot1d’s  largest  ftower  (Approximately meter In diameter) belong to genus
(e)   Nelumbo (b)   Raffleala
(o)   Mango (d)   Anacardlum
43.  Scarification of seeds Is done for removing
(a)   Dormancy (b)   Germination
(c)   Growth (d)    Embryo
44.  Rubber Is obtained from
(a)   lateK (b)   cell sap
(c)  Gun (d)    rttin
45.  Pulses are a good source of
(a)   Carbohydrates    (b)   Fats
(c)   Proteins (d)   Vltamlna
46.  Planta wilt due to excett of transpration
(a)   Root (b)   fruit
(c)   Seed (d)  stem
47. Banana fruit CiOiltalna mainly 
(a)   Glucose       (b)  atarch
(c)    Fat              (d)   proteins
48.  A plant eel is distinguished from an ooimal Q!ll  by the presence of .
(a)    Nucleus               (b)     Chloroplasts
(c)    Cell membrane (d)    Cell wall
49.  Pollen grains in plants ae produced In
(a)    Roots           (b)   Leaves
(c)    Flower (d)    Stem
50.  Green piCilts manufacture food In the presence of
(a)  Light (b)   dailness
(c)   Heat (d)   mineral salts

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