Computer MCQs Question for PPSC 2019 and Full Book Download in PDF

Computer MCQs Question for PPSC 2019 and Full Book Download in PDF 

Computer Related Questions
• Facebook was propelled in 2004
• The docx document contains MS Office Word
• The document augmentation DLL represents Dynamic Link Library
• The expansion of a MS Access Database is mdb.
• The key comb1nation used to for all time erase a record from Windows PC Is Shift + erase
• Data is for all time put away in Hard Disk
• What are the means to redesign a 32-blt rendition to a 64-piece form of Windows? Ans. It can’t be overhauled
• To change a lowercase letter to capitalized and capitalized letter to lowercase select? Sentence Case
• CSS represents Cascading Style Sheets
• The general arrangement of the URL is as per the following: type:II Address/way I
• The PC truncation ·os-represents:

Working System 

• How numerous renditions of W1ndows 8 for PC have been discharged? 3 renditions
• The record extension.jsp represents.


• What is the full type of WWW ? Internet
• The miCfophone changes over the sound into: Electrical Signals
• A gadget which interfaces numerous hubs to the system 1s:A center point
• What Is Windows XP? A working framework
• ATM represents: Automated Teller Machine
• Which one of these Is utilized to discover Information on World W1de Web? Web crawler
• Gif is an augmentation of which sort of document?


• The originator of IBM Company? Thomas J. Watson
• Volatile MemoryIs:Ram
• When you erase an article, Windows XP sends it to:Recycle B1n
• A envelope In windows c can’t be made with the name: Com/Com 1/Com2/Com3
• Copying a softwa re Without acquiring it IS

Programming Piracy 

• What Is the utilization of Firewallin a PC? For security
• What is the full type of ISO? Global Standard Organization
• A arrange that spreads huge region, city, nation and World is called: WAN
• What is the officialTwitter feathered creature’s name? Larry
• Frequency is estimated In:hertz
• Program that contain directions to work a gadget is called Device Driver
• The keys beginning with character F1 to F12 are:Function Keys
• Which one of these isn’t an element of Windows 8? Urban UI
• What was the old space name of Facebook?
• Google was established in:1996


• What is HTML? Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is the standard markup language for Cfeatlng website pages and web applicat ons.
• 1 byte comprises of: 8 bits
• What 1s the full type of IP? lntemet Protocol
• BASIC is the shortened form of: Beginners Anti Purpose Symbolic Instruction Codes
• SOAP represents: Small Object Access Protocol
• Microsoft Windows 8 is:An Operating System
• Which of the accompanying highlights permit Windows

10 to adjust to various gadget types? 


• Maximize, Minimize and Close catch are called:Control Button
• Twitter is a website. (Long range informal communication)
• Personal Computers are otherwise called: Microcomputer
• Dr. Solomon and McAfee are prominent: Anti­

• Red wavy lines under content demonstrate:
• The programming that are accessible free of cost are called:Freeware
• By default the bar situated at the base of the Work area is Taskbar
• The move of information starting with one spot then onto the next is called·

Data Communication 

• Green wavy lines under text Indicate? Syntactic Mistake
• SQL is a (n). Organized Language
• Windows 8 was discharged in which year? 2012
• Wh1ch one IS an Operating System? Windows Vista
• A Terabyte speaks to around: 1 tnllion bytes
• The record expansion PNG represents Portable

System Graphic File 

• The card wh1ch is utilized for web. Modem Card
• In Windows 10, what is the alternate way key to open projects that are stuck to task bar? Windows + (1] (2] [3] (…) ·
• What is significance of .mng? Different Network


• Windows 7 is gone before by which form of the windows? Wmdows Vista
• What is the name of new worked in program incorporates 1n Windows 10? Super Internet Explorer Pro
• Analog s1gnal is estimated m:Volts
• In W1ndows 7, what is the alternate route key for making a New Folder? Ctr1 + Shift + N
• What IS the full type of TCP? Transm1ssion

Control Protocol 

• The all out number of functio11 enters in a PC console are: 12
• A bit can be 1 or 0
• Which of the accompanying protoc· l is utilized to get to Webpages on Wortd Wide Web? HTTP
• Which of the accompanying alternative isn’t valid for

FORTRAN? Interpretation 

• A organize that spreads little geographic territory or then again single or gathering of structures 1s called: LAN
• Which one of the followlnfJ Is Internet  Protocol? TCPIIP
• The upper most bar indicating th e name of the applica!Jon is called:Title Bar
• Which of coming up next IS the author of Facebook? Imprint Zuckerberg
• By default,the bar situated at th·e base of the work area is·Taskbar
• \Nhat is the full type of Vlfi-FI? Remote Fidelity
• The yield of the printer is known as: Hard


• Which of coming up next is an email customer? Hurray
• Laser bar innovation is utilized in one of the accompanying ·Opt1cal Disks
• All the documents erased from PC are put away in Recycle Bin
• What IS the full type of PDF? Versatile Document Format
• The Google IPO was done in: 2004
• A Search Engine is: A site that look through databases for coordinating criteria
• Windows 10 was propelled 10 which year?


• Printer Is a case of: Hardcopy
• Who concocted the Qwerty Keyboard? Christopher Latham Sholes
• A set of crude, natural realities, figures and images Is called: Data
• Windows XP was discharged in·2001
• Windows XP was prevailing by: Windows

PC Related Abbreviations 

ACL Access Control Ust

CRM       Client Relationshtp Management

API         Application Program Interface

ARP Address Resolution Protocol

ASCII American Standard Code For Information Interchange

ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode

DRM Digital Rights Management

BCC Blind Carbon Copy

DSL        DigttalSubscriber Ltne

BIOS Baste Input/Output System

BLOB Binary enormous Object BMP Bitmap

CAD Computer-Aided Design

CC         Carbon Copy

CD         Compact Disk

CISC Complex Instruction Set Computing

CMOS     Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor

CMYK Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

CPM Cost Per 1,000 lmpresstons

CPS        Classroom Performance System

CPU Central Processing Unit

DTD Document Type Definition

DV         Dtgttal Video

DVD Digital Versatile Disk

EDI         Electronic Data Interchange

FIOS Fiber Optic Servtce

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